Twilla's Home Waterbirth
OMG my birth was the most amazing thing!!!
My water broke at midnight, which was a first for me.
I got up and showered and got everything ready that I thought I might need. I felt so excited that labor was finally starting (baby was 3 days “early” ).
I woke Frank around 2am, as I was getting sleepy and I thought it wise to start filling up the pool.
Then I rested/slept for like an hour and a half, after which I got up and walked a bit.
When the pool was filled I hopped in and relaxed. The surges were more than tolerable.
Then I had to use the restroom, so I got out. At that point I felt sleepy again so I laid on the couch and slept/rested until it felt like the surges were getting stronger and it was harder to relax.
I got up and tried making my way to the pool through some uncomfortable surges. I felt like it was time to breath down, which I did.
Frank helped me to get into the pool and stayed with me during the next few surges, which led to baby crowning and being born at 6:26am that Sunday morning (03/24/19).
Frank was so surprised that she was already there, as he didn’t realize where I was at, that he cried with joy and relief.
It was the most amazing experience and choosing an unassisted home water birth, was one of the best decision I have ever made!
It was still dark out when she was born and while sitting in the pool and letting her just float in my arms, the sun rose and it was just magical. She didn’t cry at all, but was simply aware of us and slowly adjusting to life outside.
After baby was born we called a friend who is a midwife. She came and hung out with us for a bit and she supported me while birthing the placenta, while Frank snuggled baby.
My older daughter cut the cord before I birthed the placenta.
So overall it was the BEST experience ever.
Thank you so much for helping me get the tools to gain the confidence to have this astounding birth experience.
My post birth experience was pretty great too. I felt not at all exhausted, swollen or in pain. I felt energized, healthy and well.
So again, thank you for everything!!