HypnoBirthing is perfect for any expecting parent. First time parents, those planning a VBAC and even those who are booked for a planned c-section! The techniques taught in HypnoBirthing can be adapted for each of these birthing experiences. Each pregnant parent, with their own unique birthing experience will gain tremendously from the course.
Benefits of HypnoBirthing:
Eliminates the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome before, during, and after birthing
Eliminates or greatly reduces the need for chemical painkillers
Decreases the use of artificial induction
Reduces the need for a cesarean birth
Shortens the first stage of labor by several hours
Fewer preterm and low-weight babies
Creates a more integral role for the birthing companion
Eliminates the risk of hyperventilation from shallow breathing methods
Eliminates fatigue during labor, leaving mother fresh, awake and with energy for the birthing phase and bonding with baby
Promotes special bonding of mother, baby, and birthing companion
Returns birthing to the beautiful, peaceful experience that nature intended
Happier and more content mothers and babies
Babies more alert; able to nurse almost immediately
Fewer cases of postpartum depression
Promotes more rapid postpartum recovery
Gives mother ongoing skills in relaxation and self-hypnosis to manage stress and pain
So the idea is, with HypnoBirthing you increase your chances of experiencing a positive pregnancy, birth and postpartum -- and these tools are with you for life!