Parker's Birth
Our beautiful little Parker William arrived on April 11th at 8:28 pm after 21 hours of labor. He weighed 7lbs 5 oz. and was 21 inches long. We are thrilled!
My membranes released around 11:30 pm on the 10th and I immediately began having surges 5 minutes apart lasting 1 minute. I could feel the pressure and was doing well with my surge breathes. I listened to my Rainbow meditation and positive birth affirmation tracks and things seemed to be going just like we discussed during our sessions. We labored at home until 9am the next morning when my surges were 3 minutes apart but I was beginning to shiver and shake from the hormones. When we got to the hospital, they checked me and I was only 2.5 cm dilated. I was shocked because the surges had become quite intense and only 3 minutes apart and lasting 90 seconds.
After two hours of not progressing, with my water already broken, the doctors were worried I wasn't progressing quickly enough to avoid infection so they recommended pitocin.
Will and I discussed it, and decided since the shaking was uncontrollable, I was having trouble breathing and I had been laboring for over 12 hours, it was pretty much our best option. We got the pitocin and a light epidural so I could still feel the surges. After the epidural, the shaking ceased and I could breathe again. I started dilating and by 7:45 that night I was 10 cm! I began using my birthing breaths and he was out at 8:28!
He passed his meconium in utero so they placed him on me and made sure he hadn’t aspirated it but he was fine. He was super alert and took right to nursing like a champ. We are still working on day/night confusion but other than that he’s a doll and we’re so in love.
Thank you so much for your help, the HypnoBirthing really helped alleviate my fears of the birthing process and prepared me to accept the turns my birthing took.